Sixth Issue of IYCW Bulletin: "Challenging Times, Time to Build Hope"


Global reality is complex and threatening. Ordinary citizens are at a loss as to what to think when they turn on the radio, watch the news, read a newspaper or browse the headlines on social media. We witness armed conflicts, open wars in different parts of the globe, people displaced from their places of origin and their homes. All kinds of weapons, fruit of the industry of death, continue to circulate with impunity.

If we turn our eyes to the dominant nation, we see with dismay that the elections in the United States have confirmed candidate Trump, a leading figure of the far right who advocates policies of regression of rights around the world. His arrival at the White House is not only an insult to our intelligence because of his fake news and anti-human statements, it is the harbinger of transformations on the global economic stage, creating greater uncertainty in every country. The emergence and gradual consolidation of artificial intelligence is set to have a major impact in many areas, such as science, consumer patterns, health, social benefits and, of course, the organization of work. This is a major challenge to which we need to pay close attention.

The political and economic choices being made are having serious consequences in terms of climate change. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seem increasingly anecdotal, so fragile are the commitments of nations. The failure to respect agreements reached within the framework of international cooperation is clear. Furthermore, impunity for crimes against humanity is blatant, as in the case of the major geopolitical conflicts we are witnessing (in Gaza, Ukraine or Lebanon, for example).

We wanted to raise these international issues, which are not exhaustive but essential, and we invite you to analyze them. It is in this context that we are publishing this new issue of the newsletter, which focuses on 100 years of YCW experience around the world. Enjoy your reading!



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