Welcome to the website of the International Young Christian Workers, a movement organised and led by and for young workers in more than 40 different countries in the world


In loving memory of Pontien

Pontien, a man of service, compassion and action! You are gone but will never be...




Exchanges of Realities and Actions: Strengthening Solidarity and Empowerment of Young People in JOC Ecuador

On 15th and 16thNovember 2024, JOC America organized an exchange program that brought together...


PANAF field visit to Congo Brazzaville - 2024

In order to contribute to the strengthening of the YCW and to support the development of the pl...



YCW Centenary: 100 years of struggle for young workers!

In 2025, the YCW will celebrate its 100 years of existence. Although Cardijn created the first...


Extending And Strengthening YCW Action In Thailand

The IYCW ASPAC extension worker conducted his annual field mission in Thailand from June 2-29, ...


YCW Paraguay: Vocational training and alternative economies

The lack of jobs for young people and the inadequacy between supply and demand for work are rea...

The Liege YCW Against Police Violence

A Campaign by the Walloon YCW to "Stop Repression"

The Liege (Walloon) YCW is holding an annual event called "Stop Repression" to promote peace and demand social change in Belgium on 22-23 February 2013.

"Repression has been ubiquitous in our lives, our organization, and our society for quite a few years. In short, it has become part of young people’s reality everywhere," said Slim Essaker, a YCW activist in Liege.

Slim explained that there are actually various forms of repression such as abusive stop and check in neighborhoods, administrative arrest for anyone who might disturb public order, municipal administrative sanctions, installation of surveillance cameras everywhere, expulsion of undocumented migrants, etc.

Taking into account these various forms of repression and the negative impact on the public, the Liege YCW is organizing a seminar titled "Stop Repression."

Several social activists concerned with police violence are scheduled to attend the event.

Christy Nodin (YCW activist from Liege involved in the “Stop repression” campaign). He is one of the initiators of the campaign and of the 15th March annual event against police brutality.

Mark Monaco (Euromayday - Precarious United). He will draw a comparison between activism and repression in Genoa-Italy in 2001 and today, especially in the case of Belgium and “No Border Camp 2010”.

Ludovicus Mardiyono (Indonesian union activist - International president of the IYCW) will talk about strikes, factory occupations, imprisonment and repression beyond borders.

Olivier Stein (lawyer) will talk about civil rights when arrested by the police.


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