Celebrating May First?

While the International Week of Young Workers comes to an end, young workers and activists in the IYCW carry out actions against precarious and unsteady jobs in the world, against inequalities in all aspects of life. Today, on the occasion of May First, we raise the flag of struggle together with popular and worker organisations and other groups acting in favour of promoting a new society where people are equal.

International YCW Statement Regarding the Political Situation in Venezuela

The International Young Christian Workers (IYCW), a young workers’ movement of education through action, present in over 40 countries around the world, has released the following statement regarding the difficult social, political and economic situation of our brotherly people of Venezuela, in particular the working class.

1.    We want to express our full support and solidarity for all social movements in Venezuela that are calling for a strengthened dialogue, the only mechanism to solve the internal problems within the limits of the democratic powers under the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the international law, to make people’s living and working conditions more dignified.

2.    We reject the international interference, the unilateral sanctions and the freezing of assets abroad imposed outside the framework of international law against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. They are affecting the Venezuelan population and undermining the social protection policies established for young people and for the society as a whole.

3.    Under the constitutional democratic principles, in order to prevent a further deterioration of the difficult situation and to avoid jeopardizing the national sovereignty, we reject any military action that any nation might carry out in Venezuelan territory.

The IYCW concludes its 15th International Council and action plan

The YCW is very close to completing its 100 years of existence, but before this glorious date, it was able to hold its 15th International Council in Peru from 27 October to 7 November 2022. It took place in a very special context because, like all organizations, the YCW has been very affected by the pandemic: unable to travel, the leaders of the movement, and sometimes even the grassroots groups, had to reorganize themselves, to move to virtual meetings as much as possible, and therefore to postpone the dates of the International Council twice. It was therefore unique and wonderful to be able to hold the Council this year.

Delegations from all continents and regions participated: North America, Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Western Europe, North and Central Africa, East and South Asia, and Oceania. For visa or other reasons, some delegations participated virtually. The council was also attended by former IYCW activists and representatives of the International Cardijn Association who, together with the activists present, did their best to collaborate to the smooth running of the council.

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