The International Council is the supreme decision-making body of the IYCW that meets every four years. It is made up of representatives of the member national movements. The International Council
- analyses the young workers reality all over the world and evaluate the actions of the IYCW,
- decides on the orientation of the future work within IYCW,
- approves the financial reports,
- adopts the new International Plan of Action and Finance Plan,
- elects the International Team,
- approves the resolutions and motions
The International Team coordinates the actions of the International YCW from the national to the international level. It is composed of a President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Team Members and Adult Collaborators.The International Team meets once a year to evaluate and plan its work. This includes to:
- implement the International Plan of Action developed by the International council through the National Movements,
- coordinate the actions of the International YCW through and with the National Movements,
- represent the young workers and lobby for their demands with the international organizations and institutions,
- organize and coordinate the activities in the continents and at international level,
- develop the education on finance and financial management of the IYCW at all levels,
- organize and hold the International council.