JOC Europe Seminar 2024: A Youth Vision on Equal Opportunities in Europe

From September 5th to 8th, 2024, young activists from across Europe gathered in Brussels for the European seminar to reflect on the topic: "A Young Look at Equal Opportunities: How Much is There to Europe's Great Values?"  The seminar brought together young participants as well as experts who shared their knowledge on European anti-discrimination legislation and the significance of fighting for equal rights.

Key Issues and Discussions

Throughout the seminar, the participants explored different forms of discrimination that continue to hinder equal opportunities in Europe. The discussions covered critical topics such as LGBT+ rights, gender inequality, racism, and youth discrimination. Experts provided input on the legal frameworks in place to address these issues, but the young participants emphasized the need for stronger action and more inclusive policies.

As a basis for the analysis, the group looked into European values and whether these are reflected in the realities experienced by marginalized groups. The discussions underscored the importance of not only defending but also actively promoting equal opportunities in all sectors of society. The participants engaged in lively exchanges about the gap between theory and practice when it comes to Europe's core values of equality, tolerance, and justice.

Concrete Reflections and Demands

The seminar concluded with a set of reflections and demands aimed at policymakers, institutions, and society at large. These demands covered various areas, emphasizing the need for stronger protections and more inclusive practices:

Gender Equality: A vision for true gender equality was formulated, which included the abolition of patriarchal systems, ensuring equal treatment and opportunities for all genders, and promoting solidarity among women. Participants demanded equal provision of services and the dismantling of structural barriers that perpetuate gender inequality.

LGBT+ Rights: Participants called for full legal protection for LGBT+ individuals, including the right to marriage, adoption, and self-determination, as well as access to healthcare without discrimination. They also stressed the importance of fostering inclusive discourse in public institutions and media.

Youth Discrimination: The young participants voiced concerns about how young people are often marginalized, particularly in terms of employment and access to housing. They highlighted the need for better public investment in youth opportunities, stronger workers' rights, and fair wages for young workers. Moreover, they called for regular youth hearings in European institutions to ensure their voices are heard and taken seriously.

Learning and Growing Together

Beyond the demands and discussions, the seminar highlighted the importance of coming together as young people from different backgrounds to learn from each other's experiences. This meeting provided a space for participants to share not only their challenges but also their successes, fostering solidarity across borders. The opportunity to discuss both common realities and regional differences allowed for a deeper understanding of the issues at hand and the formation of collective strategies for moving forward.

Moving Forward

The reflections and outcomes of the seminar will continue to inspire action within the movement. The participants returned to their home countries with a renewed commitment to advocate for equal opportunities and to fight against all forms of discrimination. The demands formulated during the seminar will serve as a basis for future campaigns, aiming to push European leaders to uphold and implement the values they stand for.


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We are JOC Europe!

YCW Europe is a youth movement, organizing people all over the continent, giving them a space to become aware of their realities and be actors of change in society. Our philosophy is education through action, which means that in YCW young people start from their realities of life, their experiences, and aspirations, analyze it together with others, reflect and take action to change what causes injustices. We are anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-capitalist.

The YCW uses the method of SEE (analysis), JUDGE (reflection) and ACT to bring about change. We meet to analyse the collective problems that young people face in their work and daily lives. In doing so, young people become more aware of their situation and discover what they want to change to create a society that reflects the values of solidarity and human dignity.

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