In 2025, the Young Christian Workers' celebrate 100 years of existence. Between April 18th and May 10th, the official international celebration will take place online and in Belgium. In addition to that, different national movements and groups will have decentralized activities. Find all the important information on this site and feel free to contact us if you want to join or support the centenary.

100 years of struggle for young workers!
Although Cardijn created the first base group in 1912, 1925 was the year of the official registration of the men and women’s Francophone and Flemish Belgian YCW movement. It was also the year of recognition by both the local Church and the universal Church in the person of Pope Pius XI, who listened and responded to Cardijn's hope to "save young workers."
From that moment on, the YCW spread rapidly from Europe to the whole world, in a remarkable way, to organize young workers and fight for their dignity and future.
Our planned program
Beyond the different activities to prepare and promote the 100 years of the foundation of the YCW movement, the year 2025 will be very special. The main activities will be carried out during that remarkable year.
The centenary will also be linked to some activities promoted by the Belgium movements of KAJ Flanders and JOC Wallonia. The first step towards the centenary celebration will be to gather young potential key leaders + former YCW activists (adults) from each national movement who will have the chance to travel to Europe for the 2025 program.
It will be a collective program developed by the whole international movement from the grassroots to the international level. Each national movement and region will set up their own plan linked with the international level orientation defined by the 2022 Council.