International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women: Changing Mentalities, Defending our Freedom and Living Without Fear


November 25 not only reminds us of the fight to change mentalities and eradicate the various forms of violence and abuse to which thousands of women are still subjected, but the day itself also serves as an act of protest. It is a demonstration in defense of our freedom and our right to live free from fear.

My name is Jemma, I'm a 28-year-old Filipino woman who works as a domestic worker in Hong Kong. I left my family in the Philippines to help my husband support our children. For my first contract, I was hired by a Chinese couple. During the three months I worked for them, it wasn't easy because I didn't have my own room and usually stayed in the living room. I didn't feel comfortable in this kind of situation, especially as most of the time the husband would come home from work before his wife. After a few months, I was sexually harassed by my employer and, out of fear, I broke my contract with that couple and asked my agency to help me return to the Philippines. The agency didn't help me, and I looked for another employer on my own with the help of my friends.”

According to global estimates by the WHO (World Health Organization), around one in three women (30%) worldwide has experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner, or sexual violence by a third party, at some point in her life.

These figures reflect the alarming situation we face, and for the IYCW, they represent a starting point in our struggle to claim our rights as persons. They also drive us to demand an environment free of violence, where we can live and work in dignified and respectful conditions, with access to equal opportunities.

In 2019, the ILO adopted Convention 190 and Recommendation 206, which recognize the right of everyone to a working environment free from violence and harassment, including gender-based assaults. This has been a challenge for women, who face discrimination and harassment at work on a daily basis. Despite the existence of these treaties, the laws are still insufficient, and we must continue to organize and make our demands heard.

This is why, in light of the thousands of situations experienced by women, we demand:

Respect for our lives!

The right to live in a healthy environment free from violence!

Stop discrimination!

Stop harassment!

Stop the abuse!


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