The International YCW is concerned about young workers from all countries, on all continents. In the different moments and stages of the history of our movement, the organization of youth groups, from the initial awareness of their problems to the collective action to solve them, to finally the shaping of a specific identity of the Panafrican YCW, has always been a challenge.
Today in this issue of the newsletter, we thought it would be interesting to provide you with some information and analysis on Africa. It is also a call to solidarity from other continents, starting with the time you spend reading the articles in the following pages. We encourage you to get to know and understand a little more about the reality of that continent, the vision of the young people who contributed their testimonies and examples of the actions that are being carried out to reinforce the work of the YCW, the efforts to extend the movement to new countries, the role of former activists and leaders, in solidarity with the historical mission of the International YCW. In this respect, this special issue on Africa aims to strengthen the Panafrican YCW.
In addition, starting with this issue, the newsletter begins its journey towards the celebration of the YCW's centenary. We will keep you informed about the work of the organizing committee and the initiatives in the countries and regions to achieve the goals that we have set for the centenary activities. Enjoy reading the newsletter!
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