Pontien, a man of service, compassion and action! You are gone but will never be forgotten.
It is with a heavy heart that we share the sad news of the passing of our esteemed International Collaborator, Pontien Kabongo who left us on Friday 27 December 2024.
- Migration Is Not a Crime: Demanding Rights Without Borders
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women: Changing Mentalities, Defending our Freedom and Living Without Fear
- From Precarious Work to Just Work and Dignified Life
- 67th Anniversary of the International YCW: Our Commitment to Act for Fair Work, Equality and Decent Life
- The IYCW Acting Together During the International Week of Young Workers 2024!
- IYCW Press Release for the International Workers’ Day 2024: Let’s Call for Unity, Let's Call for Resistance!
- Let's be the Change for a World with Equity and Equality ! [Vídeo]
- The International YCW wishes you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024 !
- International Migrants Day 2023
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: For a Future Where all Women Live Free from Fear and Violence
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