Responding to Pope Francis’s call for young economists, entrepreneurs, practitioners and changemakers to “give a soul to the economy” and work towards an ecologically responsible economy that cares for all and leaves no one behind, more than a thousand young people from different parts of the world came to Assisi, Italy for the Economy of Francesco 2022 Global Event from 22 to 24 September.
They were days full of meaningful encounters, bridges and harvest. A space to share and listen to the stories, to learn about diverse initiatives and best practices, to connect with young people from other parts of the world, and to be part of a shared global commitment that seeks change.
Young people, including the representative of the IYCW and the network on the Future of Work After Laudato Si project where we belong, shared powerful spoken word pieces, echoing the very essence of the Economy of Francesco: “We are the women and men of listening and dialogue, connecting bridges and seeking to give soul to the economy.” Motivated and empowered by the encounter, the community proceeded to build bridges as ongoing projects were shared and ideas exchanged. Possible collaborative actions were sought to identify ways to transform towards an ecologically and socially responsible economy.
One third of Pakistan has been inundated by floods, causing widespread destruction, leaving over 1,000 people dead and over 1,500 injured. At least 33 million people have been affected and millions of young workers have lost their jobs.
What is happening?
- More than one million houses have been destroyed or damaged.
- Access to clean water, food and shelter are the most pressing needs.
- We are seeing people with respiratory infections, fever, skin diseases and diarrhoea.
- An urgent scale-up of the response is needed from humanitarian groups and others.
- People must be safeguarded before further rains arrive.
The Pakistan YCW is calling all leaders and members of the International YCW everywhere to support young workers and their families, especially children and women affected by the floods. The Pakistan YCW is working day and night to collect and deliver needed items including drinking water, water purification tablets, hygiene kits, medicines, vaccines, therapeutic nutritional supplements for children, pregnant and lactating women, and mosquito nets.
The Pakistan YCW also wants to help young workers resume their job and will support the government to re-establish critical services for young workers, children and women as soon as possible.
In these difficult times, your support can save lives. Your contribution can help the Pakistan YCW reach more young workers and families with critical, urgent and life-saving supplies.
If you wish to help the Pakistan YCW, please make a donation to the International YCW bank account which will transfer the money to the local leaders.
Account holder : JOC Internationale aisbl
IBAN account: BE50 0682 2908 4018
Purpose of the donation: Support YCW Pakistan
On behalf of the Pakistan YCW and the flood victims, thank you very much for your generosity, solidarity and donations.
On this day of 25th August 2022, the IYCW is celebrating its 65th anniversary as an international movement of young workers. We are celebrating the first YCW world assembly in Rome in 1957, marked by the birth of the YCW as an international movement.
As we celebrate the anniversary of the IYCW, we also celebrate the different actions and campaigns we have carried out over the years. We celebrate all the changes we brought into our society, communities or even in our lives as individuals and in the lives of young workers who are fighting for a better future. We also celebrate our values and aspirations that keep on motivating us to be actors in our societies and to be the key for change.
Looking back at our history, Cardijn developed and built the YCW as a movement in 1925. Today, almost 100 years later, the IYCW continues to build the movement by reaching out to more young workers in precarious conditions and developing action that will change our situation.
We would like to take this moment to remind all young workers of what we have accomplished as a movement of young workers all over the world and the progress we have achieved.
We have never stopped believing that young workers are worth more than money and more than all the gold in the world. The YCW must give more hope and call all the young workers wherever they are to act for a just world and dignity.
We encourage every activist and member around the world to continue carrying out actions and activities to reinforce our campaign on just work, equality and dignity for all young workers. We also urge you to take a good look and note your achievements; let this motivate you to continue because the fight is far from over and there is more to be done, so we need every young worker to stand together so we can all build the new society in which everyone is equal and every work is valorized.
The activists of the Venezuela YCW (JOCV) held their XXVII National Council (NC) in the city of Sanare, Lara State, on April 8-9-10, 2022, with the participation of many people, among them 34 young official delegates from 5 regions of the country (Caracas, Bolivar, Lara, Portugueza and Zulia), with the support of adult collaborators and a representative of the International YCW Secretariat as guests.
The NC was held in memory of our companion Paul Priou, a great reference for the YCW of Venezuela who left this world a few months ago but who remains present in the heart of every young worker as mentioned by Elibeth Villaroel during the official opening of this XXVII NC.
The JOCV had developed an extensive process of preparation, in times of pandemic, convening all current activists, former leaders and adult collaborators, in the national territory and outside the country, in order to enrich the process and the conduct of this NC, despite the impacts created by the international economic blockade and the internal crisis that the country is facing.
The International Workers’ Day is a day to commemorate the historic values and achievements of generations of workers. But even as we celebrate the successes and triumphs of workers’ solidarity, we know that the challenges faced by people across the world require collective strength and commitment to carry forward the fight for rights, freedoms, peace, equality and justice.
The economy all over the world has not recovered from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This has made more evident the persistent, systemic inequalities that are rooted in and shaped by economic, political, social, and cultural structures. This has also unmasked how the health system of every country is weak and the budget too low for an equal access to social protection. In addition, the climate crisis continues to worsen, the terrible situation of the working people and the poor continues to deteriorate as imperialist nations and regional powers pursue their own geopolitical interests with continuous war drives at the cost of the lives of ordinary masses who are confronted with the food crisis and other hardships. The severe economic recession around the world has pushed a drastic number of people into poverty, joblessness and social insecurity. Even those with jobs are suffering from precarity and reduced income.
Several members of the International Team at the regional level were elected at the virtual International Council held in September 2021. Since then, the International Team has started the integration process to ensure that the tasks and responsibilities of the movement can be transferred properly, and the work can be followed up.
The integration process lasted until February 2022 when Sarah Prenger, the international president, and Orlando Machado, the secretary-general, completed their respective mandates that began in 2016. At the regional level, Nanang Ibrahim (ASPAC) and Luis Vargas (JOCA) also completed their mandates.
All those whose mandates ended had worked hard for 5 years to develop the movement and organize concrete actions at the national and international levels.
As a worker movement, the IYCW expresses its full gratitude to leaders who have completed their mandates after giving their best for the YCW.
We see all over the world that the reality of women in the workplace and in society is worrying. Young women are a majority in workplaces, for example factory workers, domestic workers, migrant workers, informal workers, mall workers, service sector workers and others.
“I applied for many jobs in different factories but in vain. I ended up deciding to work as a domestic worker for a housing society. Getting a job as a domestic worker is easy compared to factory jobs. But domestic workers are not paid well.” - Pakistan
Women are victims of the world of work and low wages, victims of discrimination in terms of the salary and benefits they receive compared to their male counterparts. They did not escape the wave of work flexibilization, such as the contract system, piece rates, per quota, per day and others. The exploitation of women’s time and labor has become an unchanging reality in the workplace.
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- International Women's Day, March 8, 2021 – For the IYCW, “Young Women Are at the Forefront of Change”
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- To Meet Post Covid-19 Challenges, the IYCW Calls To Work With and For Young Workers
- Listen to the Cry of the Most Vulnerable in the Most Crucial Time We Face as Humans! And Take Steps in their Favor!
- IYCW Statement on the International Day for Decent Work
- 63rd Anniversary of the International YCW: Fighting for a just and dignified world!
- IYCW demands valorization of domestic work(ers)
- Press release of the International YCW for 1st May
- "Working for a Promising Future", IYCW Intervention at the ILO Centenary, ILC 2019
- On May 1st, the International YCW asserts the right to live and work in dignity!
- IYCW, MIJARC and FIMARC Setting a Course of Action Together
- The Philippines YCW held its 34th National Council in Taytay, Rizal
- James, our YCW brother yesterday, today and forever
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