IYCW Press Release for the International Workers’ Day 2024: Let’s Call for Unity, Let's Call for Resistance!

"My name is Janrick Macinas, I'm 23 years old. I work as a porter in the fishing port in Mercedes. My employer pays me a daily wage of 200 pesos (US$4). My salary is not enough to meet the basic needs of my family. My dream is to finish my studies, but I wasn’t able to go to school, not even to finish my primary school because I need to work for my family. In my work, I am exposed to the risk of accidents. I often slip on the wet floor and I'm prone to infections and skin allergies due to certain toxic materials from the fish and the port. Recently, I was sick and not able to do heavy work. I am afraid to start my own family because I don’t know how I could provide for them.”

Let's be the Change for a World with Equity and Equality ! [Vídeo]


Dear women of the world,  

Happy International Women's Day 2024!

Today we are celebrating the incredible strength, resilience, and achievements of women from all walks of life. It is a day to honor the progress we have made and to acknowledge the work that still lies ahead in achieving gender equality.

The International YCW wishes you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024 !

While the hopes of thousands of people are shattered by wars, migration, economic and political instability, young people keep facing new challenges to confront this harsh reality. In the International YCW, we believe that through our struggle, commitment and work, we will be able to achieve our goals and build a just society despite the obstacles that stand in our way. We are confident that the future will be better thanks to the joint effort of solidarity among those who believe in our movement and in the young workers who are the present and future of our society. We want to thank all those who believe in organized youth, in our task of education, in our struggles and our actions. The YCW, with nearly 100 years of existence, will continue to encourage young people to get organized, trained, and to build a dignified life for the workers. Let us renew this commitment to unity every year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!